S5 E7: My Accident

On the 8th of June 2008, my life changed forever with a split-second accident that saw me trampled by my then 2.5-year-old horse, Fernando, and air-lifted to Hospital for life-saving surgery.

This episode is the story of that accident, what happened, the damage that did and where that’s left me now.


Before I even introduce this episode, I want to give you a warning. This episode talks about my accident in some detail. There has been one person who on hearing the story, when I was still in Hospital, passed out as a result. If you are someone likely to do that, then please skip this episode or at least, do not listen while driving or doing something where you could get injured… I don’t want my accident resulting in other accidents… not the effect I’m hoping for!

In S4 E4 of An Equine Conversation, Why Virtual Learning’s Worth Exploring, I make mention of my being immune-compromised and why for me, that’s one of the reasons that virtual learning is so awesome as I’m so limited to what’s possible in-person due to the very real and serious threat Covid still holds for me. I mention this again in S4 E5 with Erin Moore too when we’re talking about giving micro & small business owners a metaphorical hug – I like a good hug personally but being immune compromised makes it a no-no.

So anyway, in this episode of An Equine Conversation I’m going to share with you my story of the horsey accident that left me immune-compromised. It’s a story I’ve told many times. I know some of you will have heard some or all of it before. For those newer to me and my work teaching and my approach, hearing about this part of my story will help inform you more about who I am, what I’m about and why I’m passionate about safety… and importantly, why my horse Fernando and I have a very unique, very special relationship and why he has been my best teacher.

In this episode we discuss:

1:22 - episode warning

2:04 - episode introduction

3:29 - the 8th of June, 2008

5:09 - the backstory of Fernando’s misadventures, to get you up to speed

9:18 - setting the scene & it all going pear-shaped

13:19 - paramedics ahoy!

16:17 - arriving at The Alfred (Hospital)

21:02 - time in Hospital isn’t fun but it was busy

28:21 - recovering at home & an unexpected Hospital re-visit scenario

38:43 - the upshot of my injuries now

48:02 - how I’ve changed my outlook (or not) as a result of the accident

53:57 - Fernando, the best teacher

57:38 - take-aways from my experience

1:01:33 - episode wrap-up & what’s on next week

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Thank you to Matthew Bliss for podcast production & consultation. If you'd like him to help with your podcast, get in touch by email at business@mbpod.com


S5 E8: The path to mules - with Ellen Cochrane


S5 E6: The Horse’s Mouth - with Dr Paul Owens