Our Training
On our horse and human training approach.
Training using positive reinforcement (R+) is our primary and preferred training approach here at Abbey’s Run Equestrian. We are not R+ purists because sometimes, unexpected things happen and it’s using whatever tools we have in our toolbox to be the least aversive possible while keeping everyone safe.
While Sarah was never a fully conventional trainer, always looking for better ways to be with horses for herself and for her students, it was still a big change, shifting to training with R+. It was some 8-9 years ago that Sarah started to change her training approach, initially as she had run out of other options with a challenging horse (or rather, a horse presenting as challenging in the environment he was in). Since then, Sarah has continued to learn more and more about training using positive reinforcement, the body of scientific research that sits behind it, the mindset shifts that go along with it. Sarah (and Benn) and have been thoroughly exploring R+ with their horses, and have been absolutely loving the approach, the ethos and the results. Never has Sarah had so much consistent fun with her training nor such a close partnership with her horses - we want this for our students too.
In working with our human students, we are big believers in the values of kindness, authenticity and clear communication.
Our instructing now is primarily done virtually. While in part, this has been a produce of the Covid pandemic, it’s a direction we were already planning to move in due to the awesome and unexpected advantages that teaching virtually has over in-person:
you and your horse get to stay at home where you’re most comfortable - no effort & cost in transporting your horse anywhere
training with your horse can be done at a time that works for you both - there’s no having to train in poor conditions just because you have an in-person lesson booked
your learning sessions can be short and sweet - quality over quantity - not pushing for an hour lesson because that’s the normal
you get a record of your learning that you can refer back to many times - no struggling to remember what was covered in your hour lesson
we can assess the impactful nuances that are happening in your training that can be easily missed in person
we can work with people all around the world
we don’t have to spend time travelling which means we are more rested and more able to be working with our horses - which means we are our best selves when we work with you
Check out the videos below for some of our training fun
Spring Grooming Assistance
Bessie knows just how to help us out with Spring grooming here at Abbey's Run Equestrian 😊
Cooperative care
Cooperative care: having the animal participate by choice in husbandry or veterinary procedures (so without the need for force or sedation).
Several years ago we started working with Dr Paul Owens from the Horse Vet Dentist. Dr Owens pointed out that Fernando has a food trapping problem between some of his incisors. Essentially, there are gaps between these teeth that allow food to get stuck. If the trapped food remains for an extended period of time, it can rot and cause problems in the mouth.
Dr Owens advised the best way to manage this problem was to remove the trapped food regularly and so we began to train this behaviour so it could be done with Cooperative care. This has become part of our management routine and Fernando's incisor food trapping has not caused any issues.
Training in practise
Team leg lifts with Fernando and Bessie.
In May 2021, I didn't think we were ready for leg lifts as a team yet but Fernando and Bessie knew differently and showed me that we were 💙
When friends come over to play
Getting creative with some training fun that can only be done with others. We had a lovely time when our like-minded awesome friends came to visit, here at Abbey's Run Equestrian.
Fernando, Benn and I had been building up to this activity in the couple of months beforehand, working with the fit ball and coming up with ideas on what we could do with it, then slowly progressing our training with Fernando.
Christmas 2020
‘A time for giving’
Christmas is about giving to those you love. We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and/or festive / holiday season in 2020, despite the interesting challenges this year has offered up. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from us all at Abbey’s Run Equestrian.
Starring Rufus (and Bessie!).
How to make housework fun
What else can you do with household items?
One of my least favourite household chores is using the vacuum. I wondered if I could make myself enjoy it more by using it in a different way. Could I combine using the vacuum, with our already trained hip and shoulder targeting for some ‘suctioning’ fun?!
Starring Fernando